I think my troubles might cheer you up, i mean my interpretation of them.
So last week when I was handed my paycheck she´d taken out money again because i missed 2.5 hours in March.Those hours were actually before school time. School starts at 7.50 and we have to be there at 7.30. well I wasn´t there by 7.30 some days so she docked me for it b-c ¨we have to be punctual¨, she says, this woman who leaves school a lot during the day for ¨school business¨.
So i got mad and asked why we have to be there at 7.30. She says to do planning and lessons and such. I said, I do my work, you always tell me I have such great plans and I use my free hours to do my planning and am always done with everything on time, so what does it matter? plus some days i stay till 4.30 to tutor or other things and she doesnt pay me extra for that!here´s the kicker... she says other teachers ask about me, like how come I come late, like I´m getting away with something and they aren´t. HELLO???? Are we like,in 3rd grade again? öh, that´s not fair! she gets to come late and i don´t!¨So today I was there at 7.29 and guess what the ëarly¨peple were doing? Talking amongst themselves,and reading the paper. They hadn´t even gone up to their classrooms to do anything! So i guess she´s paying them for that! I can read the paper at home. She´s all about rules. And do I ever complain about others not being early or even there at all? No! Why not? BECAUSE I DON´T CARE!!! They´re adults, they can do what they want. That´s their responsability and decision. OK. Have a great day!
Ditto what Greg said, especially the first line about "people" ha ha. Seems this women is a stickler for rules except in her own case. A shame you have to deal with children...er teachers that act like them.