Saturday, July 21, 2007


Just a few highlights from the trip. Mom and I (always sporting Waves pride, baby!) on the bridge over non-troubled waters at the bird park. I had the best cheeseburger in all Honduras. It's actually charbroiled, perhaps only 1 of 2 places that does that here!
The HOT MAMAS in our rented jeep! Look out!
At the iguana farm. The man and his wife have had the farm for over 25 years and it's a refuge for them (the iguanas, that is). People in Roatan burn hillside fires to drive them out, then kill and eat them. They started the farm just taking in a few and now have over 4,000! I got to feed them. We got there right at lunch time, so it was neat to see how they all scramble for the leaves. It sounded like pouring rain when they all walked (ran) at once. It was one of our highlights!
We've been having a good time relaxing in La Esperanza. Last night we moved to a smaller 2 bed room becasue the 3 bed room we had the first night was already reserved for these last two nights when we reserved our rooms. The bigger room had a nice big coffee table, a chair like a throne, a large cushioned bench for 3 people, and a mini fridge, with drinks!
This morning we were awakened by our neighbors and their tv at 7am. The hall isn't insulated like in a Marriot or something, so I had to politely tell them to please SIMMA DOWN NOW! The whole country seems to awaken at 5am, but at least they,for the most part, go to sleep early.
Later we enjoyed Beto's homemade Guatemalan tacos, and tonight we're dining with a colleague of mine who's making Honduran enchiladas. Tomorrow we leave for Teguc. and Monday for Cali! HOpe to see you there!


  1. can't wait to see all the pictures and the iguana farm sounds amazing!!

  2. looking forward to hopefully seeing you!
