Saturday, January 28, 2006

House and stuff

New things I’m now used to after living in our new house for 1 month:

1. Pumping clean water from our five gallon “Sparklets-like” jug in the kitchen
2. Listening for the water man to come by yelling “Aguazul!”, then paying him 24 “limps”, our currency in short, or less than $1.50 for another 5 gallons of water. Drink up!
3. Walking everywhere. A 30-minute walk to somewhere is a treat.
4. Watching fun reality shows, a very new thing for me. “Beauty and the Geek” is my favorite. Love Josh. He reminds of me of David Crowder.
5. The neighbors’ dog sneaking through the space between our walls. She’s cute but got her nose half whacked off by a machete. She ate the guard’s food, but goodness, just kick her or yell at her or something! Anywho, her nose is still gross and bloody and I’m not as compassionate towards bloody dogs as Amber is, so I just talk to her through the window. To the dog, that is, not to Amber. But one day a little girl from church was over when Amber was trying to call over our “unnamed” dog friend by saying, “Come here! Come here!” Well, the little girl thought that was the dog’s name! So now, that is her name to us, “Kameer.” Sounds pretty ethnic if you ask me. “Cheque”, as they say here, pronounced “Check-hay” and meaning “Cool.”
6. Writing long, drawn-out blogs.
7. Watching TV/movies with subtitles in Spanish or English. It’s so hard to understand what they say in English anymore.
8. Waiting a long time for things to get done, mostly because I’m forgetful.
9. Folding stiff laundry after being dried in the sunshine. I do miss dryers.
10. Internet café’s.
11. Not having a closet
12. Wiping the dishscruber in the soap dish a few times during a washing session (see picture). Do we even have these in the states? I don’t remember.
13. And finally, I’m used to manually shutting the freezer or fridge doors after getting something out. My parents’ were so magnetized you could take off the doors completely and leave them in the kitchen and they’d stick back together. I got more muscle tone from opening those doors than from going to the gym!
14. Smelling “camp-fire” smoke from burning trash.
15. A personal trash bin outside the house to put trash in…of course!
16. Being able to get only $5 or $10 from the ATM instead of $20.
17. Taxi drivers claiming we don’t know where we live. “No, you don’t live in Altos de Miramontes!”, they say. Lo que sea! Whatever!

18. The cistern filling up with water. Scared us half to death last night. Sounds like some monster is going to come up from the ground and eat us, and Kameer!

19. hot water to bathe with, but not in the sinks, and water all the time! woo hoo!

20. still having to throw toilet paper in the trash can. boy sure wish i'd taken a picture of that for ya!

21. Doorbell!

22. Peaceful sleep all night, silently, without the sound of bugs and whatnot running around. I did kill a cockroach last night, and we do have mosquitos and ants, still a reminder that we do live in Honduras!

The pictures above: one of the awesome view of the city from the church Amber attends.

The soccer field we took the youth to a couple saturdays ago. This is a beautiful country! After soccer we took them to swim in the river and there's a brother carrrying his sis across. Sweet.

And some pictures of our kitchen and living/dining room. The picture of the buildings is my view from my bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. Love #13, I was at Dad and Mom's when she showed me this blog and I cracked up! Yes their fridge is quite magnetic. I don't know if they have that soap here but I bet the mexican markets have it, they have a bar soap thing that I see the ladies at the laundrymat using, they use it to scrub the stains.
