Thursday, October 27, 2005


What´s that?
Well, here I am at school during a break. Usually I teach 7th right now but they have final exams today and are gone, they only have half day, but primary has regular day. I have time to write, finally! I had 80 minutes free this morning but of course the internet at the school wasn´t working. I´m surprised it is now.
So, cold weather we´re having. Yup, it´s probably only in the 60´s, but it feels cooooold! The days are so super beautiful, though. The crisp air and breeze makes the air clear, the sky crystal blue, and the big puffy white clouds are so pretty. THis is how I remember Latin America from my first trip.
I´ve been having knee pain lately in my right knee so I´ve been walking only once a day to school and taking the school bus home in the afternoon. I think the pain is really from that time i freaked out when I saw a huge bumblebee coming at me and jumped and hit it on the cement sink outside.
This morning I left late but some friends saw me and gave me a ride. As soon as i got out of the car about five minutes from school, where they had to drop me off, another friend came driving by and took me the rest of the way. It was a reminder that God is always watching out for us, even when we may not pray about our needs, and He provides even for the littlest things we need. I felt loved.
Today I also learned not to try to heat up 3 items in a microwave at one time. Two students tupperware boxes and my instant soup equaled a soup tumbling over in the micro and onto the desk which the micro sits on. AFter the kids left to eat i got to wipe up the mess and had tasteless soup since all the seasoning had spilled out. And since those 5 little dried pieces of vegetables spilled out too, my vegetable quotient for the day was also shot.
In conclusion, 2 prayer requests...
For a seventh grade student who has trouble making friends and feels no one here likes him. We´ve been able to have some good talks lately and I feel God has spoken through me to him.
Also for the student in 4th grade who I tutor on Saturdays, that I can be used to minister to him.
Praises that I have gotten to know some of the students better and that God works out everything for our good in His perfect timing. He never makes a mistake!


  1. God bless your ministry to your middle school students. Being a middle school teacher as well I try to show a little more attention to those students who already seem out of step with life. In most cases they all have a story and most of them are tragic. In fact, it's a minor miracle that so many of our students do as well as they do considering the baggage they carry with them.
    Hope your knee feels better.

  2. Greg's sermon last week was how we can know that God is there even when we don't 'feel' him. You are living that. I pray for you every day that you will allow Him go guide you.

  3. that was allow Him to guide you!

  4. Hey Laura~

    Always praying for you even though I don't write as often as I should. I do hope your knee feels much better! I thank God too that He is always looking out for you.

    I love you and miss you so much, especially yesterday since it was just last year you were here trick-or-treating with the kids and I. We all wish you would come visit us again. XOXO

  5. hola laura! well, chica, como estas? estoy bien. estoy a mi trabajo! FUN! no, i'm joking. things are going well here in nashville, too. it feels so weird to be here. i miss HN and everyone there at baxter and kennedy. i am so going through culture shock. it's weird. well, my email address is so please write i would love to catch up. please tell amber hi for me. what's her email address? hasta pronto! dios te bendiga! erin
