One of the people getting onboard with us in helping out Miguel´s family and his neighbors is Rony, a brother of our church and successful business man in town. We don´t know where he gets the clothes but he´s asking people he knows to donate children´s clothes. Last week he called Beto and Beto went to pick up the clothes and sorted them out into different bags to make the giving away easier. The picture of the mom with her kids is Fidelina, Miguel´s neighbor. We were able to give away a few articles to the parents but mostly this time it was for the kids. The mother holding her baby is Fidelina´s sister-in-law, and the other pictures are of Miguel´s sister and two young nieces.
We continue to ask for your prayers. It is encouraging to see how others are getting involved and how Lilian, the oldest sister, is growing rapidly in her faith. We look forward to seeing all God is going to do with these families.
Miguel´s mom has come to church once and we have prayed lots for her and with her, but she continues to drink everyday in the street. Even though the police threatened to take away her children and she was in jail on night last weekend, she is not willing to change...yet. We know it is a struggle and a process but God IS FAITHFUL.
We have plans with other brothers of ours to put the kids back in school in February when the Honduran school-year starts. They havn´t been in school in 3 years so they will all be the oldest in their classes but they probably won´t be the only ones in that situation.
Thanks for your prayers.
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