Friday, February 10, 2006

working it out

On the left, Catlheen (and yes her name is spelled right), the one in the blue sweatshirt, gave a speech on how to make a salad with her "special dressing." She let everyone take turns cutting and pouring in the dressing. I was so proud of her and the class is a bunch of monkeys!
On the right the boys are playing a multiplication game. The girls played too but the boys seemed to enjoy it more, well, maybe just Brandon. You can guess who that is.
The pictures at the top are of afire we had yesterday, Thursday, in the hood. it started near the school. I was typing a test in the computer lab when i heard what i thought was hard rain, which was strange because we've not had that here in awhile and it was hot. When i opened the window i saw giant flames on the hill just across from the school and miss alina shouting at the school vans to get out. i got outta there fast, walked home, when there i heard the same thing, loud! we went outside and it was close but not too too close. the firemen were up the street and smoke and ash were everywhere, which is what catherine is "playing" in. seems horrible to be playing in ash. it all turned out to be a "controlled" fire to prepare for the hottest, driest month:El Marzo. yippee!


  1. those are great pics Laura! I saw you were online yesterday and just missed you! I love you!!

  2. glad you were ok and it turned out to be a controlled fire... we've had a few fires of our own in Los Angeles... Hope you're doing well!

  3. ok Laura we all know that you spent all day yesterday with Mom! Even she sent me an email and she is on a cruise! SOoooooo I expect to see lots of pictures! Or maybe I should check Amber's website, she always has good pics. LOL i love you and sooooo happy you AND beto AND amber were able to spend time with Mom and Gladys!!
