Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Life has a way of making you do your chores when you've been procrastinating. this morning the toilet overflowed while i was in the shower. the shower is loud because we have a widow maker. i couldn't hear the toilet and even if i could've I wouldn't have known that the water was coming out of it.
we're not supposed to put toilet paper in our toilets here. i admit, i've put a little bit in here and there, but not today! i promise!
Beto and Santi were outside. When i stepped out of the shower the first thought was that the shower is a little clogged but it didn't overflow out onto the floor! Then I realized! o noooooooooooooooooooo!!! ah, my pijamas and slippers on the floor: soaked. The rug in the hall: soaked. The diaper bag in our room: surprisingly not soaked but wet. The rug in Santi's room: partly soaked. So it overflowed into two rooms and the hall, well three rooms if you count the bathroom, which you have to do.
I was standing in about 2 inches of water when i called loudly for beto. well that scared santi so he started to cry. since it's dry season there was already a lot of dust int he house so now with the puddle int he house, we had mud!
So we spent most of the morning getting all our towels sopping wet and mopping a million times half the house. Beto brought in our "vacuum cleaner" which helped a little. Since the water was dirty and stinky, i couldn't just use the mop to do a final mopping with bleach and cleaner. i had to clean out the mop, ring it out, over and over until the MOP was clean, and it's one of the long stringy mops that make me wonder if all my mopping is all in vain.
Finally i felt like i got most of the dirty water out and could do a final fun through with cleaner. AFter that, I did one large load with LOTS of soap on heavy duty cycle with all the towels adn rugs. Then I had to hang out Santi's large bedroom rug and spray it down with the hose. now it's drying in the sun.
By this time it was almost 11 and i was wondering what i would've done with the whole morning anyways!
I started lunch and realized I probably would've just procrastinated against mopping by wasting even more time on the computer.


  1. that does NOT sound like a fun morning at all. Glad you were able to get it all cleaned up. Hoping that it doesn't happen again :)

  2. Ick! Hate those kinds of days!!
