Thanks everyone for your support, prayers, and encouraging comments.
After finding out we'd have to wait more than another month, perhaps, until arriving in the States, i was feeling pretty depressed. i'm sure once i get to LA i'll start missing honduras a lot,but i was feeling frustrated because we are here just to wait for santiago's passport. i don't have a job or anything really to do, except take care of the baby, which is a full time job. Beto has some projects he can finish up and the extra time will be good for him. But we were PLANNING on leaving around may 12th so when we realized that probably wasn't going to happen i was really disappointed.
Then I starting wondering what God is keeping us here for...what is He doing? What awaits us here as we...wait? And i started to feel better and asking God what He wants me,us, to do in the remaining time we're here. Instead of just wallowing around feeling sorry for myself, i should put myself into action, asking God to open my eyes to the opportunities He gives me to bless others and how to do that. To use my time wisely becuase it will go by fast and a month really isn't that long of a time. We were really only disappointedbecasue we were ina hurry to get home for "Laguna" at the end of May, but now that we've pretty much ruled out that possibility, we are a little more relaxed, althoughI'm still sad we won't be there.
So we are happy where we are now while excited about leaving perhaps sometime in June.
I am reminded of the scripture about not bragging about tomorrow, saying, "Tomorrow we will go here or to that place" because you don'tknow what God has planned. and also matthew six says not to worry about tomorrow becuase it will have its own problems. each day has enough trouble of its own. AMEN to that!
we appreciate your prayers and will keep you updated.