Here are some fotos of our first field trip this year. I went along to help. It was for their social studies class which is taught by another teacher. They were studying neighborhoods so we went up to a high point of the town and they drew a map of it, we visited the city hall and police station.
We took one class thursday and the other on Friday. On Thursday the other teacher was interviewed for our local TV station and on Friday it was my turn! I was so nervous I was afraid that all of a sudden i would forget all my spanish and that the interview would maybe go something like this:
Interviewer: So what places have you visited so far today?
Me: Yes!(with head nodding and goofy smile)
It went well. I never did see it on TV though. I watched for it that night but I think it had been on earlier that day, and seeing as I don't have Tivo for my one free station, i didn't get to tape it.
So fun! I love the boy in the policia helmet. Too cute.