Thursday, December 06, 2007

crazy honduran roadways

Last Sunday Beto and I were given a ride by some friends who were also in Tegucigalpa. Our driver/friend is a crazy driver, like most people who live here, and was passing everyone. After passing one vehicle and swerving back on the right side between two cars, the car he just passsed passed us again, rolled down their windows, and pointed their machine guns at us. Turns out the car was transporting the supreme court justice of the nation and you don't cut her off! Luckily I was asleep through all this. But it reminds me of driving in LA. Ironically, when we stopped for breakfast, so did she and out got her driver and the 3 camouflaged dressed national policemen, heavily armed and not afraid to show it. They sat at the table next to us as it was a small place and there wasn't anyone else there. I don't remember any cheery holiday greetings passed between us.
Merry Christmas everybody!


  1. Sometimes it's just not worth it to get one car ahead!

  2. oh yeah. sounds like south central, except we usually didn't come into contact with the supreme court justice down there.
