Everyday we marvel at how God brought us together, that he brought us to La Esperanza, and that we are both teachers now in a total of 3 schools! And here now, with never before seen footage are fotos of Beto and his classes. In “Instituto Nuevo Mundo”, or New World High School he teaches Bible two days a week in a total of 15 classes with 280 students. He really enjoys the challenge and the opportunities he has each time to share Christ with the teens.
Every weekday evening for two hours he teaches 15 more young adults in Educatodos, or “Educate Everyone”. It is a program designed for adults who want to complete their high school education. He teaches a very basic beginning English class and algebra. Every Friday he or another church leader in town leads them in a devotional. For some, it is the only Christian influence they have at all.
Beto never once thought he would be a teacher, and especially to so many students. He is excited about these jobs God has given him where he has such a great opportunity to speak about Jesus to almost 300 people each week! And he’s building sound relationships with some. It’s a delight to walk with him through town and have his students greet him enthusiastically. It’s obvious that he is well-liked and repected.
Doesn't English and Algebra cancel each other out?