Thursday, August 01, 2013

An update and a request

Long Beach Church of Christ
3707 Atlantic Av
Long Beach, CA 90807

It is with much joy that we write to you and pray that you are experiencing God’s blessings in your lives.  This letter is to inform you of our situation as missionaries and our work in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We began as part-time domestic missionaries in August 2011 at the Long Beach Church of Christ.  Some of our work includes evangelism, and English and Spanish classes.  Our goal has always been to serve and help in the ministry of evangelism of our Lord. In June 2012 we were ready to begin the process of transitioning as church-planters with Kairos, a Church of Christ church-planting organization.  With the sickness of our daughter last year, those plans were put on hold.  Now we are ready to begin that transition again. 
We would like to invite you to consider partnering with us.  We are raising funds now for this fall, a temporary preparation period consisting of a lot of training and traveling, praying and fasting, seeking God about which direction He wants us to go. 
First is Strategy Lab from September 9 to the 15th in Omaha, Nebraska and then Discovery Lab is November 9 to the 16th in Portland, OR. These seminars  teach us to use our gifts and skills, to discover our calling as planters of new churches.  We will be attending a “boot camp” called “Bodybuilders: Center for Mission Mobilization” for two days where we will be trained in how to more effectively raise funds for the long-term and for larger amounts.  The dates for this event are still tentative.  For this season we are in need of your prayers and your collaboration.  We appreciate your support and your hearts.  Acts 20:35
Here is a breakdown of the costs (for both of us):
1.         “Boot camp”                                                                                                                    $1,700
2.       Strategy Lab                                                                                                                       $800
3.       Discovery Lab                                                                                                                    $2400
4.       Miscellaneous (gas, lunches, etc.)                                                                            $500
5.       To give ourselves fully to this time                                                                           $1,000/mo.(4 months)
                                                                                                                                Total:    $9,400
We will be in contact throughout the fall with you and you are always welcome to ask us how it’s going.  Checks can be made out to the church with our name on the memo and sent to the address at the top of the page.  Blessings to you and yours.

Beto and Laura  Perez